Scouting for over 50 years!
Strengthening Youth Through Scouting
Scout-age youth experience dramatic physical and emotional growth. Scouting offers them opportunities to channel much of that change into productive endeavors and to find the answers they are seeking for many of their questions.
Skills and Responsibilities
In the outdoors, youth have opportunities to acquire skills that make them more self-reliant. They can explore hiking, paddling and camping and will take on new responsibilities with other youth. There is no greater teacher than the outdoors.
Character and Values
Scouting programs instill in youth the values found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Scouting helps youth develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives
Upcoming Events
Meeting Highlights
-PLC Meeting
*Discuss preparations of the up coming camping trip this weekend.
-Check equipment
-Work on getting Hammock Permit
*Demonstrate proper set up with all needed parts
-AOL's first Meeting with the Troop!